Hey Brother Phil! Bullseye Amigo. It's about loving your wife like Jesus loved all those who came his way. I'm pushing 42 years of marriage (with my first, and last wife). Did we have hard times? For sure. Did we struggle? For sure. Did we stray from God's Word. For sure. My adult married kids ask me what's the secret sauce to marriage too. I share your wisdom 100% and explain that their mother has always been my most trusted friend. We were friends, then lovers, and remain that way today. Now, as for MY mother, she's resented my wife for 45 years (including the dating years). She tried to wedge her relationship against my wife's. It was sheer hell for decades - until we moved 2 thousand miles away for work. Today Mom's 93. I still try to console her despite her bitterness. She claims I left her. DShe claims I abandoned her. I remind her that God intended for a man to leave his mother and be ONE with his wife per your Scripture reference. Once I got beyond the guilt she placed on my for years, understood what the Book says about marriage - I've been smiling all the way. God Bless!

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So true! Phil nails it 100% as usual!

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Amen brother Phil. Celebrating our 37th year of marriage this year. Blessed more than ever to have a Godly woman like I do. Blessed to have you in my life. Blessings to your family!!!

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Phil, You ae the best. Thank you. I figure Jesus died for the church (that's us). So, I should die for my wife. I AINT EASY BUT IT IS GOD'S WAY. Dave

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This lesson is incredibly essential to the existence of both new and all-time couples that seek happiness in their marriage life. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

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Who can find a good wife? (Prov. 31) I found one, or should I say the Lord gave me a Proverbs 31 woman. I agree. They are hard to come by but there is hope for all marriages. When we reflect on the Love of God that is in us by way of the Holy Spirit - if we are saved, that love is our measurement of loving our wives as Christ loves the Church. As for me, every day is "Valintine's Day" for me with my wife. She is easy to love because she houses the heart of Jesus. Awesome entry, Phil!

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Thanks, Phil, for the perfect valentine! I'm blessed to have a man like the one you described, and I thank God for him every day.

By the way, I love the picture of you and Miss Kay. It radiates joy and love!

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How can I reach you, Phil? My email is: onlywithhishelp@gmail.com

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After all, two have become one flesh, till death do you part. (A sentiment not too popular these days)

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Once again... You’re the Man Phil !

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Hi Phil, thank you for your message. It is very heartfelt and meaningful.

Kathy Cooper

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Well written and absolutely spot on article. I and my hubby are also about to be married 50 years. Coming on fast now. Like Kay and Phil he was my high school sweetheart. In fact I can pretty much say once I met him all other men disappeared for me. It is still that way. Now women when you find a good man just remember one thing. They are not God and God still comes first. Congratulations Phil and Kay on whatever close to 50 years anniversary is coming for you.

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Howdy, brother Phil. My bride of 36 years -- the “long-suffering” Mrs. Appalachian Irishman – and I will “enjoy” Valentine's Day, next Tuesday -- with my first “roto-rooter” medical procedure. (My plumbing still works fine, but my last annual physical cast the bait for the procedure, and, unfortunately, I took the bait.) It will be a unique Valentine's Day memory.

Last Saturday, my wife and I gathered with some of her family, at a Cracker Barrel. The store was already peddling Easter (or Resurrection Sunday, as I call it) stuff (mostly made in China). I thought that I'd see Valentine's Day stuff.

I hope that your article educates husbands, who don't already know the biblical wisdom on how to treat their wives. Thanks for trying to educate them.

By the way, if you're bored and looking for something to read, I came across: “History of Valentine’s Day,” on History.com, by Editors, updated 2/2/2023, original 12/22/2009. Like you, I think that Wall Street has something to do with it.

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Do not fear that procedure. My husband got his and lo and behold they found cancer. We went through hell and back with radiation and chemo and I insisted on Naturopathics too. He is now 5 years cancer free Praise the Lord. The point is the sooner found the better get those polyps removed.

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I Love The Unashamed Podcast! So Nice for The Ladies too bro the Show!🙏💜🙏

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Way to go Phil! Well put and you have the Bible to back it up!

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Thank you! Great words.

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