Very important post. I hope that everyone who reads it (me included) is strengthened and encouraged to not judge our faith or God's promises based on internal feelings.

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Absolutely! Feelings come and go. Truth is eternal.

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As my Pastor says, “feelings are real, but they’re not reliable”. I shared Romans 10:9-10 with this reader. I am praying he comes to terms with the fact it’s not about us at all. It’s about Jesus & what He did for us. All we have to do is believe.

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Amen rely on God Almity and not the flesh !

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Loved it, Phil. "Feelings" don’t have an ounce of logic. They typically are dark, dangerous, and disastrous. They act like a thief that steals our joy and peace. "Feelings" are demanding and stubborn. Worse, like you said, they lie to us relentlessly. What is a believer to do? The first thing is declaring it as an enemy, and it hates the real Jesus. Emotions tend to deny Jesus at every turn. This giant will never bow to the miraculous works of Christ’s faith within authentic believers. While you can tease "feelings," you will never be able to tame them. Emotions are graphed into our flesh and will refuse to die until our sarx, flesh, is buried six feet under. I don't use the term "feelings" any longer, I use beliefs.

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Wise words, as I’ve come to expect from you, Phil. Proverbs 9:10 - “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Use your mind when dealing with faith; use your heart to pray. Don’t ‘follow your heart’ when making decisions, as written in popular songs, because this is Lucifer’s way to lead you away from Jesus. Be wise (mindfully) and prosper in God’s love and grace. If you have a spiritual experience along the way, enjoy the glimpse of Heaven and use it to strengthen your faith, in the moment, and keep a strong memory of it to strengthen your faith in the future.

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Thank you Phil, you always have wonderful words to share through our Lord. Thank you


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Excellent words.

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Thank you, Phil. This letter to us is most beautiful. God is sending His messages through you.

We’re all Blessed.

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Very good. Like you said, feelings can be deceptive. I ask friends that I'm talking to about salvation to just read what the writers during that first century told people to do to be pleasing to God. Like you said, it's simple but eternity is forever.

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Thank you for clarifying!! I am sharing with others.

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Amen we all deserve hell but by grace we received Jesus

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Thank You, Super Awesome.

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