Every baby is created in the image of God. Man should never be so arrogant to attempt to interrupt God's intended purpose and plan.

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Phil: This story was more than inspiring - it brings back many memories of my nephew, Derek, who was born with hydrocephalus; water on the brain. My Brother and sister-in-law were told a similar diagnosis by doctors. Being devout Christians, they relied on prayer (from their church, our family, and friends to guide Derek through his life-threatening challenges. That was 33 years ago. Derek has undergone over 100 brain surgeries in his lifetime, but GOD gave him a different purpose for his life - to inspire others (both Believers and non-Believers) about the awesome grace and glory life brings when you accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour. Nothing is impossible with GOD as your co-pilot!

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Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

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God Bless You and Them!

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GOD is great and the kids did absolutely fantastic in their decision to bring him into the world !!!

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Such a beautiful testimony! Thank-you for sharing this incredible story!

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Lovely, inspiring and uplifting! Just what I needed as an antidote to a depressing news week. Thank you, Phil, Grant, and Julie for sharing this story. (And your baby boy is just beautiful!)

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Mr. Robertson, THANK YOU for telling this story!! You and your family are truly blessed!!! I was just thinking today (while plowing snow during a blizzard) what a small percentage of the required knowledge to make such a decision has been acquired by "mankind". And a large percentage of what we think we know is wrong. So why are we relying on "man's" knowlege to make decisions regarding God's will when we know we are wrong most of the time? Obeying God is ALWAYS the correct decision. Peace be to you and your's.

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Awesome story Phil!

Life is a gift, and your daughter's belief in prayer, and family values brought this little guy into the world. Your story is inspirational to us all.

God Bless You and Your Family.

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Amen! God already has and will continue to bless their family.

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Thank you Phil for sharing this.

I went through something similar with a pregnancy 29 years ago. The Drs said something wasn't right with my unborn child. My "then" husband and mother in law were pushing me to abort my (youngest ) child. At the time I had never really thought about whether abortion was acceptable or not. But I had such a strong , overwhelming love for this child growing in me and knew that I would never allow anyone to harm him no matter what his disabilities may end up being. I was fiercely protective. 🦁

Fast forward 29 years and Im divorced, remarried,

my son is 29 and has moderate autism and I'll be taking care of my son until I die ( or hopefully raptured 🙌). I'm not going to say that things have been easy but God's given me stregnth, wisdom, patience and amazing blessings every step of the way. And I now strongly believe that abortion is a horrific evil that a majority of people have been programmed to accept as normal and ok. It's unequivocally not! There are so many passages in the Bible about God knowing us and loving us before we were created in the womb. I cant even fathom the tears our father God has cried at the multitudes that have been killed through abortion ( and of course through any acts of violence) . Satan is working overtime destroying as many of God's creation as he can. At least we know the ending to this story and God wins! And those precious souls that were deprived of life on this earth are being lovingly cared for in a much better place ( where I long to be)...heaven. 😊

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Praise Jesus for hearing our prayers! He promises eternal life and He keeps His promises!!!

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The God of miracles live in us amen

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Thank you, Phil, for sharing this. God bless you all!

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