Its like you can read my mind !spot on again phill!The winds of change are blowing!

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Your always speaking the truth..Well spoken. God's system is the only system we should follow. Evil is walking to and fro.

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Great words of encouragement! Makes me want to pray for our country.

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More than 100 million Americans are thinking exactly this. Methinks the pressure cooker is about to blow.

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Great, encouraging, thank you. Onward!

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Amen Lord God send revival

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Thanks for your words of wisdom, Phil. You speak truthfully from the heart and honor the Lord God with honesty and encouragement.

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Keep plowing, planting and watering. The harvest will come.

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Phil, I agree with you 100 percent on what you have written. I have the same thoughts on this. It's so cool when someone puts into words the very things that have been rattling around in ones head.

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Thank you for your wisdom and leadership, sir. It is much needed. I pray every morning and every night (and often in between) for our nation. That we will be restored to God Almighty and our founding principles.

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Thank you for the pearls of wisdom

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Always a hopeful word Phil. I have a real fear for America, that she won’t wake up in time, but pray I am wrong.

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With God all things are possible. Please continue to pray for our country, but more than that, please pray for the lost people you know that they may truly see and receive Christ Jesus as their savior. Every day. The Lords peace be with you.

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I appreciate your Godly common sense! Thank you sir!

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Thank you once again for your encouragement and inspiration. God bless you and your family Phil!

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Thank you for addressing our country’s problems from a spiritual perspective. God is our only hope - as a nation, and as individuals.

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