You do awesome work. I envy the obvious fact that you have true faith, which is my problem. Christianity is the perfect ideology, but after over 50 years of begging for something, anything. Something like my Christian friends often speak of, "I went to the forest, got on my knees and prayed, when suddenly the reality of God became obvious. I could feel it! I know he's there." I don't know how many times, thousands, I imagine, but the result remains the same. Nothing. The biggest Hell for me is regret for some of the bad things I've done. One, in particular for which I can't ask forgiveness because whatever punishment is to come, it is well deserved and I'm willing to pay (easy to say...) But I do wish God would touch my soul.
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness." (my emphasis added in the word ALL) 1 John 1:9 Please do go ahead and confess the "bad things" you've done - ALL of them, so that you may experience the wonder and love through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and be relieved of the burden you carry unnecessarily. Amen.
I consider the Scriptures and put my faith in what God has shown me in them. I am not a naturally emotional person; any emotions I feel do not last. If Christ shows Himself through the written word of God, you will realize, as Thomas Aquinas did, that He is greater and more powerful and more gracious and loving than any human can imagine. In that moment I feel God closer than seems possible in my day-to-day life.
Maybe stop looking for some massive experience and just honestly seek Him, love Him and strive to know Him. He supernaturally changed my heart and I'm being sanctified daily but I don't always FEEL it. I pray you do surrender fully.
Romans 10:9-10. If you confess with your mouth that the Lord raised Him from the dead & you BELIEVE, you will be saved. PERIOD. Do you believe that Jesus - God in the flesh - came to earth, from Heaven, died for your sins & rose again on the 3rd day? Then that’s it. No more trying, working, envying. Jesus did it, we cannot. Faith is all you need - which is a gift from God. Praying for you to believe.
You do awesome work. I envy the obvious fact that you have true faith, which is my problem. Christianity is the perfect ideology, but after over 50 years of begging for something, anything. Something like my Christian friends often speak of, "I went to the forest, got on my knees and prayed, when suddenly the reality of God became obvious. I could feel it! I know he's there." I don't know how many times, thousands, I imagine, but the result remains the same. Nothing. The biggest Hell for me is regret for some of the bad things I've done. One, in particular for which I can't ask forgiveness because whatever punishment is to come, it is well deserved and I'm willing to pay (easy to say...) But I do wish God would touch my soul.
Hey, Phil's team here. We shared this comment with Phil, and he felt called to publish a response with some encouragement for you:
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Some good preaching at WFR Church. Why not join us on the LIVESTREAM?
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness." (my emphasis added in the word ALL) 1 John 1:9 Please do go ahead and confess the "bad things" you've done - ALL of them, so that you may experience the wonder and love through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and be relieved of the burden you carry unnecessarily. Amen.
I consider the Scriptures and put my faith in what God has shown me in them. I am not a naturally emotional person; any emotions I feel do not last. If Christ shows Himself through the written word of God, you will realize, as Thomas Aquinas did, that He is greater and more powerful and more gracious and loving than any human can imagine. In that moment I feel God closer than seems possible in my day-to-day life.
Maybe stop looking for some massive experience and just honestly seek Him, love Him and strive to know Him. He supernaturally changed my heart and I'm being sanctified daily but I don't always FEEL it. I pray you do surrender fully.
Christ died so that you may live eternally.
If God and Jesus can forgive and make Paul our apostle then God can forgive you for anything you may have done wrong.
He certainly does.
Romans 10:9-10. If you confess with your mouth that the Lord raised Him from the dead & you BELIEVE, you will be saved. PERIOD. Do you believe that Jesus - God in the flesh - came to earth, from Heaven, died for your sins & rose again on the 3rd day? Then that’s it. No more trying, working, envying. Jesus did it, we cannot. Faith is all you need - which is a gift from God. Praying for you to believe.
Thanks Phil for keeping us focused on what is important to God.
Your words make us aware of God’s mercy which help us strive for goodness.
God Bless Your Work!
Amen brother Phil. Awesome read. God’s blessings to you and your family.
Gods grace. Thank you Phil.
Thank you, Phil. You’re doing His work. We are all blessed.
Thank you Phil for these weekly messages.
Thanks Phil, you are Awesome.
Awesome is God. Phil is sharing His TRUTH thank you God for men like Phil, willing to share a your truth. In Jesus name AMEN
The two heros in br.Phil life= Jesus and miss Kay,she is an exemple and a great Christian,
May God bless and keep you may His face shine upon and be gracious to you and give you His peace
Were you thinking I would ask for money? If you did you are more full of poop than a Christmas turkey
You would think a Christian place would at least tell a person why they were deleted. You are cruel and rude
Other people put personal stuff on here why can’t I?
Satan uses everyone he can to make me feel unwanted. Like this website deleting my posts
Are you people that delete posts on a whim? Why did you do that?
What happened to my post