I had quit listening to all the news because it is so depressing, but when I heard from a friend about what they have done to President Trump, It was so sad and disheartening that I had to say a prayer, only our Lord and Savior can save our Country. We all had better get on our knees and ask for forgiveness and repent and read the Bible and adhere to GODS WORD. Love Thy Neighbor As Thy Self.

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Well said Virginia! And Amen!

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Absolutely true Phil. The harassment of President Trump from the moment he came down the elevator announcing his campaign for Presidency is absolutely hatred. He’s not perfect, none of us are. This is a spiritual warfare and I’m praying for the whole world.

President Trump says he loves the American people. I believe he does.

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It is so disheartening and unfortunate that politics is so dirty, corrupt and even deadly in our society. Why can't we give each other the grace that Almighty God has freely given us? The example we have from our Savior Jesus Christ is so much different. None of us can hold a candle to Him, yet He died a terrible death on the cross to save all of us! And those who repent and believe are accepted into His Father's Eternal Kingdom. May the Holy Spirit guide all of us to live like Jesus did and help is to give our neighbors and all who we meet on this earth a little grace.

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I, like you, am shocked and saddened, but most of all terrified, by the behavior of the FBI. If they can do something this outrageous to a former president, can you imagine what they can do to ordinary folks like us? And the IRS hiring 87,000 more agents is a bad omen for average Americans. These are tactics we would expect in a totalitarian government, not a Constitutional Republic.

I am heartsick to see what has become of the country I've loved and lived in for the 74 years of my life. I never expected, not even for a second, that I would see it destroyed before I left this earth. My parents, part of the "Greatest Generation," left me a country unrivaled in the world. What I am leaving my grandchildren makes me ashamed beyond words. I've been praying fervently that God will turn His face back to us and give us justice in our day. If enough of us repent and turn to Him, I pray He will hear us from heaven and heal our land. At this point, HE is the only one who can.

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You are absolutely right Phil - 100%! I appreciate the stands that you and your family take for the sake of Christ and the gospel. I watch Unashamed regularly. Keep on keeping on and May God bless as you all continue!

Pastor Don Schink

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Thank you Phil for your wise words. We will pray for our country, that the Lord will open hearts to him. Kathy

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Thanks Phil. This was much appreciated. God bless you as you serve Him.

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We reap what we sow. Wake up America!

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Phil, I am so grateful to you and your family for allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you and touch so many lives. Through your words, books, podcasts, etc. God has changed my life and my family. I have nothing but respect for you and your family. With that being said, I think we can all agree that as believers we have to be careful not to blindly follow others. Especially because the only one we should be following is Christ. Furthermore, Romans 14 tells us to submit ourselves to the governing authorities for there is no authority except that which God has established. The political battles that we’ve seen play out in the media over the last almost decade (since 2016) have been a clown show. It is difficult to accept that Gods hand is in everything when you see so much that is disagreeable in this world. However, who are we to say that Gods hand is not even in this? He ultimately has all the authority. All the authority is his. I guess what I’m trying to say is we should be cautious not to give in to the politics or arguments of this world because we are not of this world and have been called out of it. Finally, as the wife of a federal agent (not FBI) and a former employee of the DOJ specifically the prosecutorial branch I KNOW for an absolute fact that there had to be extensive evidence associated with this search. The head of the FBI had to agree to allowing their agents to investigate (as is their job to do), a prosecutor had to agree to charge, and a federal judge had to sign off on the warrant. If we start to scream tyranny and suggest there is corruption or abuse of power then we’re disrupting the peace ourselves. I’m not saying stay quiet and take abuse but I am saying that this isn’t Christ-like to try and discredit an entire law enforcement agency. Just as I believe the “defund the police” movement was ridiculous, I am equally as displeased by the attack the media, politicians, and followers of Trump have started on the FBI. These agents work TIRELESSLY. They put their lives and those of their families on the line CONSTANTLY. As I said my husband is not FBI but does belong to another federal law enforcement agency and I have seen him work 40+ hours straight without sleep, walk out of the house in full riot gear, clean his weapons and shoot regularly, undergo rigorous training, stay up all hours of the night writing reports or doing surveillance. For what? To make this society a better place. To hold others accountable for their crimes. You stated you’re all for law and order but we should hold everyone accountable.. how does that minimize this crime? It doesn’t. Please don’t give in to the political climate and begin damaging the reputation of a prestigious law enforcement agency. They are doing their job regardless of WHO they are investigating it is still a LEGITIMATE INVESTIGATION. That had to be approved through multiple federal authorities. I understand you and yours are attempting to protect a friend.. but we are followers of the Almighty: the Wonderful Counselor, the Everlasting Father, the Almighty God and the Prince of PEACE. Therefore, as Romans instructs us.. “if it is POSSIBLE ON YOUR PART, live at PEACE WITH ANOTHER”. That’s what the Holy Spirit directs us to do, and regardless of who is my friend or political preference I will first and foremost be a follower of Christ and adhere to his instruction. And that means not attacking, discrediting, or demeaning the reputation of an agency that is in place to protect our country.

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I agree with what you are saying in principle, especially the scriptural part. Also many in my immediate family are in law enforcement. Having said that, I want to gently remind you that individuals in these agencies are mere men/women subject to lapses of integrity and corruption (even judges, directors of agencies, prosecutors, all down the line). I know personally the sacrifices and mental stress that come with the commitment of choosing a career in Law Enforcement. It is precisely for that reason and for those who work every day to keep us safe and to do what is right and good.. that we must expose the corruption and restore the founding principles. It appears that a few individuals in leadership are bringing discredit on the agency. As you said the regular line officers are just doing their job.

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Their are many good men and women in the FBI that are working tirelessly to keep us safe and free. The top of the agency may be politically motivated and many in it and other law enforcement agencies may be politically motivated but I believe the fast majority are hard working Americans who love our country and want the best for it, just like we do.

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I enjoy your writing’s and the faith in our loving living God. I to share your concerns about our country as I pray daily for the same as you. We are in a dark dangerous place at this time. The Bible speaks of the day we can see and talk to people around the world / ( the internet). The Bible tells us a lot if you read, believe, and focus on the book of life,( as I refer to it ). In the end times what I stated above is one of the first things to happen. Then when wrong becomes right, and right wrong is another.

Diving into sexual orientation or how you want to be referenced, chips in your hand with all your information, gog, and maygog, and many other things that are happening as we speak, tells me we are getting ever so close to the writing’s of the book of revelations.

Take row v wade. If the shepherds / our pastor’s tended to their flock’s/ us abortion would never be a issue, it’s written life begins at conception, and murders in the whom for a healthy mother is just that ( murder ). I could go on forever but I’ll digress. Keep up the great knowledge and persistence in biblical scripture. Love you my brother in Christ

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What purpose did it serve to go through the first ladies closet, shoes and clothes? I feel sure President Trump did not personally box up his white house possessions, that some person with clearance was delegated this task, and feel confident they packed and boxed without sorting out each individual item...it bears the question, why would a person run for office, if every office holder is subject to a witch hunt.

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I appreciate your insights.

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Correctly stated, but sad for this country. It really is in God’s hands!!!

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Timothy 3 8-13

I've considered for some time the qualifications of our elected officials.

I think everyone wanting to be an elected official should read this passage.

We as voters should read it and examine political candidates.

I want someone to represent me that is above reproach. That seems to be a hard bill to fill now days with all that's in the media and on the internet. I pray for our leaders that God will soften their hearts and that they will make decisions that honor God please Him.

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Amen, Mr. Phil, Amen, Amen!

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