Amen! I don't know about you, but current events has got me seeing things in my bible that I didn't see as clearly before! Stand in Truth and in Faith folks. Be the example is the best that you can do, and Pray!

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I truly appreciate you and those who see what our U.S. of A. needs and is not ashamed to proclaim it! All of us need to get down on our knees and pray for God to forgive us and bring us back to the fold. Please keep up the effort. God bless you and your family, and all that want our country and world to be Christian, God fearing, people. Drew

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You speak truth Sir, and you also speak The Truth, God's truth and for that I am thankful for you.

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Talk about depraved minds. What a sorry bunch...... I too pray that with God's help we can turn things around

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Thank you for your message.

May GOD’S light expose the darkness,

Evil and corruption in our country for what it is. And after that is accomplished May our country return to the ways of the founders of our country that gave us our constitution and declaration . Documents motivated by GOD’S Holy word.

May GOD continue to bless you and your ministry for the Kingdom.

Keep looking up !!

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Thank you for your insightful words! My dad was a WWII veteran who recalled wading onto Normandy Beach through the floating bodies of other soldiers. How tragic that we have gone from the Greatest Generation, men and women willing to sacrifice their lives for strangers, to people fighting their neighbors over steak at a buffet! It begs the question - what has changed? Seems to me, the slide down the slippery slope began when we started distancing ourselves from God under the guise of "separation of church and state." Unless we reverse course, I fear we will continue to be victims of our "reprobate minds."

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Thankyou Phil Robertson for being obedient to Jesus

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The stage is set for the Almighty’s return. Bring it!!

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Awesome read. Thanks again Phil. God definitely changed my life. I’m thankful he put you in my life. Praying for our country.

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Words of wisdom from a very great man, that I can actually understand.

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Thank you brother Phil for reminding us of what true faith in Christ is.🙏❤️

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The free will, moral, choice remains. The key word is "IF." "IF" folks in this once great nation, in majority, turn to God, or "IF" the majority of folks keep turning left and going wrong. Turn right and go straight, America! Are you listening, America? I pray and hope so! Sadly, most folks seem to hear but not listen, with understanding. We will see.

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You know. I'm try to talk with my younger brother about his walk with Jesus.

Matthew 18:15-17 ESV

“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.

I've done everything except take one or two with me. Please pray that I can reach him. He loves Jesus, just want to help him! God bless🙏

Jeff Blalock.

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Amen we need to be more like Jesus Christ and love one another like he loves us when he died for our sins on the cross

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If we do not turn back, and Fear God, We as a nation are lost.

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Sad how far we have digressed in just a few years. And how few stand for really anything, as in this case my right to have steak. Some even think a different President is the answer. TRUTH is only God can bring us back from this state. And I'm loosing hope for humanity.

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