There's Nothing Progressive About Sexualizing Children
It may be too late for America, but it's never too late to tell the truth.
A few weeks ago, Oklahoma teacher Summer Boismier posted a link to the Brooklyn Public Library’s website that gave her students access to a number of so-called “banned books.”
Of course, the media immediately came rushing to her defense. The Daily Beast headline read, “How a Harmless Teacher Got Branded a Pedophile by Extremists.” headlined their “news” article “Summer Boismier, an exiled Norman teacher from Oklahoma, faces a cloudy future.”
It’s a little-known fact that I too was a public high school English teacher back in the day, so I have a certain empathy for those who dedicate their lives to educating our young people. Trust me when I tell you that it was a thankless job 50 years ago, and from what I hear, it’s only gotten more thankless.
If young Ms. Boismier is indeed a “harmless” teacher who was falsely branded a pedophile, I want to stand in solidarity with her. Furthermore, we sure don’t need to go around exiling teachers. That sounds like something you’d expect from the likes of Vladimir Putin, not a group of Norman, Oklahoma, school administrators.
So, I had my assistant do a little research on this story, and what I found out contradicted what the media are saying about it.
For one thing, Ms. Boismier was never exiled. In fact, she wasn’t even fired. She resigned to protest what she considered unwarranted interference by the school board and the State of Oklahoma in the daily operation of her classroom.
Secondly, from what I’ve been able to determine, some of the e-books she made available for her high school kids to read were far from harmless.
For example, a book entitled “Gender Queer” graphically depicts a character performing oral sex on what I will politely call a prosthetic male sex organ.
I won’t read “Gender Queer” — I can assure you of that. But based on the few excerpts I have seen, this book has no place in public schools. And the courts agree with me on this. Judge Pamela Baskervill called the book too “obscene for unrestricted viewing by minors.”
A Virginia Beach advisory group called the book “pervasively vulgar.”
Truthfully, I’m not shocked that we’re talking about some public-school teachers encouraging our kids to fill their pliable minds with moral filth. But I am saddened by it. I can’t think of a single good thing that could come out of hypersexualizing people who are only just beginning to blindly navigate their own sexuality.
What saddens me even more is that the more I witness this kind of moral filth being foisted on school children, the more I fear that we are witnessing the last stages of a culture that was once the greatest in the history of the world.
Our forefathers were, for the most part, godly people who believed that the young republic could safely navigate through the tough waters of governing by applying the Bible and the principles in it to the daily workings of government.
And for a long time, it worked. When justice was unfairly denied to large groups of Americans, we only had to look at the words of our founders to remind us that “all men are created equal and endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.”
In other words, we had a framework from the Almighty that helped us define good and evil, right and wrong, moral and immoral. When you think like that, asking first what God has said about something, it sure does eliminate a lot of confusion.
As a matter of fact, I will be bold enough to say that people who seek God’s wisdom aren’t confused about what is pornographic and obscene. They aren’t drawn to the pervasively vulgar. Rather than filling the minds of young people with slime and perversion, they are leading them into maturity in Christ.
This does not bode well for America. It does not represent progress, even though the people who promote sexualizing children call themselves progressives.” There’s nothing progressive about regressing into debauchery and sin.
I would issue my usual warning about how America should wake up before it’s too late. But it may be too late already. Once you see this kind of pervasive vulgarity passed off as mainstream literature for high school kids, it may be a sign that the cat is already permanently out of the bag.
But I’ll tell you what it’s not too late for. It’s not too late to tell the world the truth about God, sin, man, and redemption. It’s not too late to proclaim the gospel to the rest of America. We may not be able to save the republic, but that’s not what we’re commanded to do anyhow.
In preaching, we will offer true spiritual liberty to those who are enslaved in the chains of Satan’s schemes. We become chain breakers, first responders, and liberators in the name of Christ and his kingdom. We change lives, one life at a time, and we keep on working until all of mankind has clearly heard the good news that Jesus died for their sins and offers new life to anyone who believes in him.
I am good with that. Even though I love the United States of America, its rise and fall is beyond my control. I’ll make my argument for a godlier culture and then cast my vote, but at the end of the day, I have no power.
But that’s okay because I’m a kingdom of God kind of man anyhow. And because of that, I am an ambassador for God, and he is using people like me to make his appeal to a lost world.
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash
Thanks, Phil. As usual, your head is clear, to the point, and Biblically right on. Keep 'em coming!
Many people explain we are at the precipice of mankind but I fully support Phil’s underlying faith that God and all the faithful won’t let the evil one take control. Many may fall into the trap or go over the edge but not us. Thanks for all you put forward here and on pod cast.