The Answer to America's Identity Crisis
It's a crazy idea that identity should be rooted in gender or race.
To say that we have an identity crisis in America today would be an understatement.
identity crisis:
1. personal psychosocial conflict especially in adolescence that involves confusion about one's social role and often a sense of loss of continuity to one's personality
2. a state of confusion in an institution or organization regarding its nature or direction
I point this out because I see a culture that is increasingly unsure of who it is. Some people’s identities are based on ethnicity — Italian-American, African-American, or Cuban-American. Others are based on on gender — cisgender, gender-expansive … even heterosexual. I could go on. But the truth is people claim at least 100 different gender identities alone. I suppose there’s a limitless list of ethnic identity labels too.
I’m sitting here thinking about all of this, and I want to know who came up with the crazy idea that our identity should be our gender or race in the first place. Is that the America we really want to be? Do we really want to be identified by something as superficial as our genitals, our sexual preference, or where our ancestors came from? If this is where we are, I can’t think of anything more divisive or with less substance.
Think about it — if identity is defined by these things, then our future has already been predetermined. “I am who I am because of my gender … my skin tone … my desires.” If this is how it is, I can only come to one conclusion — I have no control over how I live my life. I am defined by things I didn’t choose and over which I have no control. I’m stuck!
The reason this is a problem is that when enough people in a culture begin to think this way, the culture itself loses its identity. Contrast 21st century America with the America of the 1700s. It’s true that our founders were flawed and sinful men. But they had one thing going for them — they knew who created them. And I would argue that when you know who created you, you know who you belong to. And when you know who you belong to, then you know who you are. In other words, you have identity. You have a moral compass.
I think it’s pretty clear that having an identity that’s rooted in being a creation of the Almighty God is far more enduring than identity rooted in superficial things like race and gender. That’s because when God created us, he created us in his image. Being created in the image of the eternal God automatically identifies us as eternal beings. In other words, who I am transcends anything in the here and now.
Contrast this with how the world identifies us. Enough said.
I’m not trying to rag on people who find their identity in gender, but like race, it’s superficial and won’t endure. I think there’s a better way to figure out who you are. Our problem is that we know intuitively that we matter. I would know that to be true whether or not I had a Bible to tell me. But when I don’t know why I matter, I am compelled to turn to this hopeless worldview to figure out who I am.
So, because I love you, I’m going to offer you a better path to identity. All I ask is that you keep in mind that there is no other pathway to identity that will endure the test of time or eternity. Everything else will leave you dazed and confused. Just think about that.
There Is Only One True God
“There is no God but one.” … for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live. (1 Corinthians 8:4-6)
Until the day the God of heaven was revealed to me to be real and accessible, how could I know who I was? In a sense, my identity, which was rooted in self-satisfaction (rather than honoring or pleasing God), was an idol to me. Since my own desires were my priority, I was worshipping myself — a false god.
The One True God Has Poured Out His Love On Me!
I am not identified by either my goodness or my moral failures (and I have plenty of those on my rap sheet). I am identified by God’s love for me! That’s it! End of story!
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
Was I a sinner? Ha! What are you talking about? I was so sinful I had no hope. But here’s the antidote to my rebellion: “For God so loved” Phil Robertson that he died in his place. This is why I know who I am now. God told me! I am a sinner saved by God’s mercy!
Identity Rooted in Christ Is the Great Unifier
If you’re worried about gender or racial equity, try these verses out:
So, in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:26-29)
If you read this passage carefully, you’ll find that enduring identity is only found in Christ.
You can continue to try and find identity in the shallow and trivial things of life, but they won’t fulfill you. They won’t make you happy, and they won’t bring you joy. For almost fifty years, I’ve identified myself as a sinner saved by the blood of Jesus.
As a result, I don’t find myself being confused about who I am anymore. Not one bit! I suggest you give it a try. Once you realize that you matter ONLY because you are created and loved by God, all other identities fly out the window. And guess what: You’ll find out you’re more joyful, more fulfilled, and happier.
I think if anyone asks me what do Identify as my response will be Galatians 3:26-29. Or just simply that I identify as a Christian ✝️